Cisco ASA Multiple Context Firewall Backup

On the Cisco ASA firewall a backup user with the following minimal privileges is required in the admin and system contexts. The SSH authentication key is from the user on the backup host under which this script is running.

changeto context admin
privilege cmd level 6 command changeto

enable password ********** level 6
username backup privilege 6
username backup attributes
  ssh authentication publickey ThEeNcRyPtEdSsHpUbLiCkEy==
changeto system
privilege cmd level 6 command backup
privilege cmd level 6 mode exec command copy
privilege show level 6 mode exec command tech-support

Unfortunately Cisco ASA does not support public key authentication for doing scp from the ASA to the backup host. Hence the password must be provided on the command line in clear text. What a shame for a company that sells security devices.

Below the expect script connecting to the ASA using SSH, switching to privileged exec mode, collection tech-support info and performing a backup using the backup cli command. Due to a Cisco bug, it is first written to flash drive and then copied with scp. Expect uses Tcl syntax.

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
# ============================================================================
# Backup of Cisco ASA firewalls with multiple contexts.
# ============================================================================

exp_internal 0
log_user 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set ASA_USER        "backup"
set ASA_ENABLE      6
set BACKUP_USER     "ciscobackup"
set BACKUP_HOST     ""
set PASSWORD_FILE   "$::env(HOME)/.backuppw"

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# abort
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prints the string given as argument out to stderr and exits.
proc abort {message } {
  puts stderr "ABORT: ${message}\n"
  exit 1

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sanitize_hostname
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Removes every non-allowed character from string. Keep shell argument safe.
proc sanitize_hostname {string1} {
  set string2 ""
  regsub -all -- {[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+} $string1 {} string2
  return $string2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# sanitize_dir
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Removes every non-allowed character from string. Keep shell argument safe.
proc sanitize_dir {string1} {
  set string2 ""
  regsub -all -- {[^A-Za-z0-9_/\.\-]+} $string1 {} string2
  return $string2

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_retention_suffix
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define retention filename suffix for simple retention algorithm:
# Daily up to 7 per week
# Monthly up to 12 per year on 1st day of month.
# Yearly up to forever on 1st of January
# Run script daily after midnight.
proc get_retention_suffix {} {
  set year    [timestamp -format %Y]
  set month   [timestamp -format %m]
  set day     [timestamp -format %d]
  set weekday [timestamp -format %w]

  if {$day == 1 && $month == 1} {
    set suffix "yearly_${year}"
  } elseif {$day == 1} {
    set suffix "monthly_${month}"
  } else {
    set suffix "daily_${weekday}"
  return $suffix

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# read_password
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reads passwords from file defined in $PASSWORD_FILE given as argument. Trims
# any trailing newlines and spaces.
proc read_password {pwfile} {
  set password ""
  if {![file exist $pwfile]} {
    abort "Password file $pwfile does not exist!"
  } else {  
    set fp [open $pwfile r]
    set data [read $fp]
    close $fp
    regsub {[\n\r\t ]+$} $data {} password
  return $password

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# connect_firewall
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Connects via SSH to firewall. Accept new host key if necessary. Then enable
# privileged exec mode.
proc connect_firewall {asa_user asa_host asa_enable password} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id

  # Connect via SSH to firewall. Accept new host key if necessary.
  send_user -- "Connecting to ${asa_user}@${asa_host} ...\n"
  spawn ssh "${asa_user}@${asa_host}"
  expect {
    -re {The authenticity of host .* can.t be established.} {exp_continue}
    -re {RSA key fingerprint is} {exp_continue}
    -re {Are you sure you want to continue connecting \(yes/no\)\?} { send -- "yes\r"; exp_continue }
    -re {Warning: Permanently added .* to the list of known hosts.} { exp_continue }
    -re {User .* logged in to} { exp_continue }
    -re $prompt {}
    timeout { abort "Timeout at ssh login" }
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at ssh login." }

  # Enable privileged exec mode.
  send_user -- "Enable privileged exec mode ...\n"
  send -- "enable ${asa_enable}\r"
  expect {
    "Password: " {}
    "No password set for privilege level" { exit 1 }
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at enable." }
  send -- "${password}\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at enable password." }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at enable password." }
    "Invalid password" { abort "Invalid password" }
    "Access denied"    { abort "Access denied" }
    -re $prompt {}
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_version
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the ASA software version as floating point decimal number.
# Cisco ASA version numbering is major.minor, which means that 9.12 is 
# greather than 9.3 for example. Convert to decimal for mathematical 
# comparison. 9.12 becomes 9.012 and 9.3 becomes 9.003 for example.
# A thousand minor versions should be enough. :-)
proc get_version {} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  set version_major ""
  set version_minor "" 
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  send_user -- "Checking for ASA version ..."
  send -- "show version | include ^Cisco.*Appliance.*Version\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at show version" }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at show version." }
    -re {Cisco.*Appliance Software Version ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)} {
           set version_major $expect_out(1,string)
           set version_minor $expect_out(2,string)
    -re $prompt {}
  set version_float [expr { $version_major + $version_minor/1000.0}]
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  return $version_float

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_context_mode
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Queries context mode of the ASA firewall. Change to system context if ASA
# has multiple contexts. Returns context mode (single, multiple).
proc get_context_mode {} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  set context_mode ""
  send_user -- "Checking context mode ...\n"
  send -- "show mode\r"
  expect {
    -re {context mode: single}   {set context_mode "single"}
    -re {context mode: multiple} {set context_mode "multiple"}
    -re $prompt {}
    timeout { abort "Timeout at 'show mode'" }
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at 'show mode'" }

  if {$context_mode eq "multiple"} {
    send_user -- "Multiple contexts: Changing to system context ...\n"
    send -- "changeto system\r"
    expect {
      -re $prompt {}
      default { abort "Unknown condition occured at 'changeto system'" }
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  return $context_mode

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_contexts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Show contexts, parse output, append context names into list contexts.
# Returns list of context names, starting with system.
proc get_contexts {} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  set contexts [list system]
  send -- "show context\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at 'show context'" }
    timeout { abort "Timeout condition occured at 'show context'" }
    -re $prompt {}
  foreach line [split $expect_out(buffer) "\n"] {
    send_user -- "Line: '$line'"
    if {[regexp {^[ \*]([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)} $line match0 match1]} {
      lappend contexts $match1
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  return $contexts

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# get_interface_hack
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When accessing ASA through a VPN tunnel and doing a copy command, the ASA
# uses the public interface IP as source address. The copy command then fails
# because traffic is not encrypted through the VPN tunnel. Appending the 
# option ";int=inside" is an undocumented hack to use the inside IP address
# instead. Works only for the copy command, not for the backup command.
proc get_interface_hack {} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  set interface_hack ""
  send -- "show interface | include inside\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at 'show mode'" }
    timeout { abort "Timeout at 'show mode'" }
    -re {Interface.*inside.*is up} {set interface_hack ";int=inside"; exp_continue}
    -re {ERROR: % Invalid input detected at} {exp_continue}
    -re $prompt {}
  send_user -- "Interface hack: '$interface_hack'\n"
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  return $interface_hack

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# copy_file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Does what you expect. Copies a file from source to destination. Applies the
# inside interface hack for source NAT over VPN.
proc copy_file {source destination} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  global interface_hack
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  send -- "copy /noconfirm ${source} ${destination}${interface_hack}\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at copy ${source}." }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at copy ${source}." }
    -re {!+} {exp_continue}
    -re {INFO: No digital signature found} {exp_continue}
    -re {bytes copied in .* secs} {exp_continue}
    -re {No such file or directory} { abort "No such file or directory" }
    -re $prompt {}
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# delete_file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc delete_file {filename} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  send -- "delete /noconfirm ${filename}\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at delete ${filename}." }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at delete ${filename}." }
    -re {No such file or directory} { abort "No such file or directory" }
    -re $prompt {}
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# copy_tech_support
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Sending tech-support directly to scp path fails. Copy first to flash disk,
# then copy, then delete.
proc copy_tech_support {backup_url suffix } {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  send_user -- "Collecting tech-support ...\n"
  send -- "show tech-support file flash:/tmp_tech-support.txt\r"
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at show tech-support" }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at show tech-support" }
    -re {INFO: No digital signature found} {exp_continue}
    -re $prompt {}

  copy_file "flash:/tmp_tech-support.txt " "${backup_url}/tech-support_${suffix}.txt"
  delete_file "flash:/tmp_tech-support.txt"
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run_backup
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# First run a backup to flash disk and then copy it via scp due to Cisco bug
# CSCvh02142. Backup of WebVPN data fails in multiple contexts.
proc run_backup {context_mode password backup_url suffix {context ""}} {
  global prompt
  global spawn_id
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer
  if {$context_mode eq "single"} {
    set backup_cmd "backup /noconfirm passphrase ${password} location flash:/backup.tar.gz\r"
    set backup_url_file "${backup_url}/backup_${suffix}.tar.gz"
  } else {
    set backup_cmd "backup /noconfirm context ${context} passphrase ${password} location flash:/backup.tar.gz\r"
    set backup_url_file "${backup_url}/backup_${context}_${suffix}.tar.gz"
  send -- $backup_cmd
  expect {
    default { abort "Unknown condition occured at backup." }
    timeout { abort "Timeout occured at backup." }
    -re {Invalid input detected at} {abort "Backup command invalid" }
    -re {Warning: This device is part of a failover set up.} {exp_continue}
    -re {Begin backup} {exp_continue}
    -re {Backing up.*Done} {exp_continue}
    -re {Compressing the backup directory.*Done} {exp_continue}
    -re {Copying Backup.*Done} {exp_continue}
    -re {Cleaning up.*Done} {exp_continue}
    -re {Backup finished} {exp_continue}
    -re $prompt {}

  copy_file "flash:/backup.tar.gz" "${backup_url_file}"
  delete_file "flash:/backup.tar.gz"
  expect -re {.*} # Flush buffer

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main 
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if {$argc != 2} {
  abort "Usage: ${argv0} <hostname> <destdir>"

set asa_host [sanitize_hostname [lindex $argv 0]]
set dest_dir [sanitize_dir [lindex $argv 1]]
set password [read_password $PASSWORD_FILE]
set backup_url "scp://${BACKUP_USER}:${password}@${BACKUP_HOST}/${dest_dir}"
set prompt {[a-z0-9\-/]*[>\#] $}
set suffix [get_retention_suffix]

# Create destination directory if it not exists.
if {[file exist $dest_dir] && ! [file isdirectory $dest_dir]} {
  abort "Destination ${dest_dir} exists, but it is not a directory!"
} else {
  file mkdir $dest_dir

send_user -- "\n\n"
send_user -- "------------------------------------------------------------\n"
send_user -- "Cisco ASA to back up : ${asa_host}\n"
send_user -- "Destination directory: ${dest_dir}\n"
send_user -- "------------------------------------------------------------\n"

connect_firewall $ASA_USER $asa_host $ASA_ENABLE $password

set context_mode [get_context_mode]
set interface_hack [get_interface_hack]
set version [get_version]

copy_tech_support $backup_url $suffix

if {$version >= 9.003} {
  # The backup command was added with ASA version 9.3(2).
  # It contains the running-config, startup-config, certificates and if there
  # was no bug with multiple contexts, also webvpn data such as anyconnect
  # packages.
  if {$context_mode eq "single"} {
    send_user -- "Single context: Backing up ...\n"
    run_backup $context_mode $password $backup_url $suffix
  } else {
    send_user -- "Multiple contexts: Getting context names ...\n"
    set contexts [get_contexts]

    # Iterate through list of contexts and do backup to scp destination.
    foreach context $contexts {
      send_user -- "Backing up context $context ...\n"
      run_backup $context_mode $password $backup_url $suffix $context
} else {
  # Legacy ASA version. No backup command. Copy running and startup config.
  # No export of keys and certificates in pkcs#12 format.
  copy_file "running-config" "${backup_url}/running-config_${suffix}.cfg"
  copy_file "startup-config" "${backup_url}/startup-config_${suffix}.cfg"

send -- "exit\r"
send_user -- "Finished backup.\n"